Inarlanga Pass, West Macdonnell Ranges (NT)

Rock n roll

Rock n roll

Time travel. I always think it would be nice to be able to go back in time, buy some Microsoft shares at 20c, that beach shack at main beach for $20,000, take back that “I love you” that wasn’t returned. But it’s never going to happen.

The closest thing you are going to get to going back in time is a trek to the Inarlanga pass in the West MacDonnell ranges. it wont make you money but you will be richer for the experience.

It is a glimpse of a prehistoric past circa 300 million years ago. The pass itself is a showcase of twisted and tortured rock into forms that captures the upheaval and great forces that were at play all those years ago. And because the track to Inarlanga is not well traveled there is likely to be no one around so you can capture a real sense of the magic of this place.

To get to the Inarlanga trail head to the Ochre pits which are well signed from the main road and a well touristed spot. There is a little footnote on one of the signs that mentions the pass. It is a reasonably long walk through open country and towards the end sparse bush land. The walk takes about an hour 45 one way and it is a great trail. So all up about a 3 hour + return trip. Take plenty of water!

The other special thing I want to mention about the pass is that it is the entry and exit door for two separate aboriginal tribes and their respective lands so its effectively a natural gateway between two distinct worlds. 

Dinosaur Food. Cycad palms from the dinosaur era

Dinosaur Food. Cycad palms from the dinosaur era

This is one of the lesser know trails along the West Macs but it is one of my favourites.


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