Yosemite Sam I am.

So this is day one of our 250 km backpacking trip from Yosemite to Mt Whitney in California: Not a bad start to our John Muir Trail (JMT) adventure. That is the mighty Half Dome in the distance: Our first objective!DSC00479.JPG

This is (much) later in the day – the top of Half Dome – normally overrun with hundreds of daytrippers. The trick to get it to ourselves: We waited till dusk and then hiked as fast as we could and then climbed the rope ladder like madmen to capture the sunset. And we got it. Not another soul around. We made our way back down in the pitch dark with our trusty head torches and slept off our jelly legs! DSC00482

Our total JMT journey took 21 days and finished with a sunrise summit of Mt Whitney the highest peak in the US. So I guess I have 20 more blogs to write to show you the highlights of this amazing trail!


Thanks for reading 🙂

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